Work Package 2: Training
AptWind Training Objectives
TO1: To facilitate fifteen DCs in reaching a high level of technical/project-specific excellence within their individual research projects under the umbrella of Atmospheric flow physics and turbulence for wind energy applications.
TO2: To significantly improve the communication skills of the DCs throughout their PhD training.
TO3: To provide the DCs with a thorough understanding of the process from research via innovation to industry/tool implementation.
TO4: To provide an environment for the DCs to develop transferable skills as well as a method to document them leading to improved employability and career prospects within and outside academia.
TO5: To build a strong career-defining network among the DCs, academia in the EU and abroad and the industry, both within AptWind and beyond.
WP 2 Objectives
1) To design and track personalized career development plans for each industrial PhD fellow.
2) To ensure a homogeneous technical training throughout the training network.
3) To develop training in transferable skills for strengthening the human capital in research and innovation.
4) To organize and coordinate network-wide training events for the industrial PhD fellows.