Work Package 3:
Small-scale flow and turbulence
1) To increase the knowledge about relevant atmospheric turbulent and coherent structures affecting future large (>15MW) wind turbine rotors achieved by experimental observations and model development as well as development of simulation tools and remote sensing concepts for industrial uptake.
2) To create a hotbed with forefront academic partners and key industrial players for cultivating transferable skills of a new industry-oriented academic generation pushing the boundaries of frontier research within the field of small-scale flow and turbulence.
DC1: To critically assess the knowledge of turbulence and design load cases as presented in the IEC standard for turbines reaching heights up to several hundred meters using wind turbines as sensors and meteorological measurements.
DC2: To explore the design space of lidar configurations tailored for measuring turbulent atmospheric flow structures of importance for wind energy applications and develop the corresponding algorithms.
DC3: To develop a CFD methodology that simulates the interaction of the atmospheric boundary layer with wind farms, including different stability classes, using Lattice Boltzmann methods.
DC4: To develop optimized lidar control system and beam-scanning strategies for simultaneous measurements of relevant parameters of the marine boundary layer for wind farm applications.
DC5: To develop a model for large-scale coherent structures in the ABL and its closure to small-scale stochastic turbulence models and investigate the impact on wind turbine loads using aeroelastic simulations and measurements.