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Work Package 5: 
Large-scale flow and downscaling


1) To increase the knowledge about how tomorrow's wind farms will be influenced from interactions with atmospheric large-scale phenomena by flow modelling and development of downscaling schemes for WRF (an open-source weather model) simulations coupled with an uncertainty tool for wind turbine design. 


2) To push the frontiers of science with leading academic partners and key industrial players for cultivating transferable skills of a new industry-oriented academic generation within the field of large-scale flow and downscaling.

DC11: To measure the impact of model and parameter uncertainty on wind farms design (turbine and layout selection) and open-loop control (wake control, noise control, load control) to achieve better AEP. 


DC12: To model tropical cyclones for safer and more cost-effective offshore wind farm design and operations in different regions.


DC13: To model the dynamics of the wind flow around rotors in the top of the atmospheric boundary layer susceptible to extreme events and analyse its impact on the performance of very large rotors.


DC14: To improve the modelling of wind farm wake flows in marine environments via coupling of meso- and micro-scale models.


DC15: To diagnose the seasonal and diurnal cycle biases in the widely used mesoscale meteorological model WRF/MPAS and by utilizing the recent improvements in geo-spatial and satellite data create more valuable results for wind energy applications. 

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